Odessa is a great place to work and play. We like it here, and we think you will too. Come visit us anytime.
Explore what the town and surrounding lands have to offer!
Enjoy rotating events throughout the year, from Spring Fling to Christmas Fest and everything in between.
Always the third full weekend in September, thereare plenty of attractions for all ages—authentic German food, city-block big biergarten, live music, a parade, kids zone, and street vendors,—just to name a few.
Welcome to Odessa Washington, the home of the Inland Northwest’s premier ethnic heritage festival, Deutschesfest, the Desert 100 endurance motorcycle race and Spring Fling Fronen Steppdecker Quilt Show.
Odessa is a great place to work and play.
The Odessa Chamber of Commerce congratulates The Odessa School District on their attention to the needs of local students, offering classroom setting instruction following current state guidelines.
Odessa Memorial Hospital works closely with county and state health officials to see our hospital and clinic provide safe care.
From camping to golfing, hunting and fishing, to exploring the history of Odessa and the channeled scablands surrounding it. There’s something to discover at every corner in this small PNW town.